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Gallery | Images

These black and white architectural photographs, taken from 1986 to 1999, detail aspects of Berlin — both before and after the wall came down. They reflect the belief that the most compelling characteristics of a civilization can be seen in its architecture, charged by the spirit of human events. The history of Berlin has had a wrenching impact that has monumentalized the most contradictory impulses of European culture. The photographs examine this somber legacy.

The images were made with large format view cameras; permitting 24"x20" - 44"x66" prints expressive with tone and detail. Most are made utilizing Polaroid positive/negative film which makes possible the processing and examination of work on location.

Prints of these photographs are in the collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC), Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris), The Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montreal), Polaroid International Collection (Offenbach, Germany) and Everson Museum of Art (Syracuse, NY).